Courque Challenge Cup

The Corque Challenge Cup

This route is not too long but very steep in places and virtually impossible to ride up, or is it. The Corque Challenge Cup has been designed to test even the hardened mountain biker. Register at Camping Castillejo if you want to enter the Challenge, set off from Camping Castillejo with a valid GPS and see how fast you can make it up and around the mountain, the fastest times will be officially logged on the website and in due course we will have a race day to see who can win the Cup with the fastest time.

The route leaves Camping Castillejo and works its way to the black Cave from there the cyclist climbs up a steep undulating track and then onto tarmac up to the water spring of St Geronimo. Taking a left turn off the main road the rider winds up to the base of the very very steep climb of the Sierra Del Corque, making this climb without getting off your bike will be an incredible feat. At the top the rider then follows the long downhill back to Fortuna and to finish at Camping Castillejo. Register your time and correct route with your GPS and you may be invited to the final where the top 5 in each category fight it out for The Corque Challenge Cup.

Here are the simple categories:

Mountain Bike

Mens All Age Groups

Womens All Age Groups


Mens All Age Groups

Womens All Age Groups

Courque Challenge Cup